The Wexford Carol


1:Near BC4susethlehCem did shEmepherds kCeep
their flFocks of lCamb and fGmeething sheep
to whC4susom God's Cangels dEmid appeCar
which pFut the shCepherdsAm in grGeat fCear
arise and gCm7o thou Gmangels sCmaid
tGmo  BCmethlehem be nGmot afraid
for thC4susere you'll fCind this hEmappy mCorn
a prFincely bCabeAm sweet JGesus bCorn.
2:There were three wise men from afar
directed by our glorious star
and on they wandered night and day
until they came to where Jesus lay
and when they came unto the stall
where our beloved Messiah was
they humbly laid at his feet
their gifts of gold and incense sweet.
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:19:41.587+00:00
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